AI is Here To stay
All along programmers and computer engineers have been communicating with machines using several lines of code that often seem complex and scary which of course they are. But, with the advent of AI this will be a little bit easier since machines will not have to receive explicit instructions about everything. Here’s a perfect example, when you were growing up your grade 2 or grade 3 science teacher must have drawn a picture of a fish and named a few visible parts of the fish diagram, but later on you were able to learn that there were hundreds perhaps thousand of species of fish that you did not learn about but you were able to recognize them as fish. This ability to learn from relevant examples is what Machine learning and AI is all about.
This means that we will be able to communicate with machines as we do with other humans beings. With a few set of instructions and good learning examples machines will be far much more efficient that us, this will be our only option in the cases where you can’t fathom the instructions. Honestly traditional programming can be tedious especially when the coding patterns are too complex or huge and we are not smart enough to comprehend all of them.
Some of us can barely read a one page document can you imagine if you were tasked to keep all the national statistics records they amount to thousands perhaps millions of records, its a tiring and impossible process. This is where computer come to our aid, I mean most of us could be jobless if we were tasked to do such work, but with AI there is so much more we could do with this data. Some tasks are so complicated that some have been declared improbable to solve for instance finding cure to diseases such cancer, being able to make good decisions based on voluminous data and many more .
Now that you’ve got a glimpse of what AI is in simple terms, it is upon us all to embrace it and support the technology industry since this is the only shot that humanity have had after a long time.
Great article